Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules,1972

Kinds of leave.

  1. Leave for Probationers
    If a person is appointed to a permanent post and is on probation, he/she is eligible for all types of leaves that a permanent employee receives.
1.Earned Leave (EL)

Ordinarily for ministerial staff of KVS (Non Vacation Staff) Leave credit will be afforded in advance at a uniform rate of 15 days on the 1st January and 1st of July every year. If an employee joins in between the year then EL will be credited @ 2.5 per month .

The E.L. credit to be afforded will be reduced by 1/10th of Extraordinary Leave availed/or period of dies non during the previous half year, subject to maximum 15 days.

In case any vacation staff performed duty during any vacation and/or break he/she is entitled to get E.L.@ 3/5 of such duty period as an additional form.However, he/she is entitled such additional form of EL after completing 10 continuous days of working during vacations.But credit of E. L. of such employee should not exceed 30 days in that year.Proper permission is required from the concerned Regional Office for work during vacations. 

Earned leave can be availed up to 180 days at a time

Accumulation: E.L. can be accumulated up to 300 days in addition to the number of days for which encashment  has been allowed along with L.T.C

2 Casual Leave (CL).

Casual leave is not a recognized form of leave. A Govt. servant on casual leave is entitled to get duty pay i.e. normal duty salary.

Casual leave can be combined with special casual leave but not in conjunction with any break/vacation. Even not combined with any other kind of leave.It cannot be combined with joining time.

Sundays and holidays falling during a period of casual leave are not counted as part of casual leave.

½ days casual leave can be debited to the CL account for each late attendance. However, 2 late attendances in a month upto an hour can be condoned by the authority, if convinced.
Employees are entitled for 8 days
Casual Leave in a calendar year.

Normally at a time 5 days C.L. can be taken.

3.Half pay leave (HPL)

HPL is credited to KVS staff in advance @ 10 days on 1st January and 1st July every year. If an employee joined in between the year HPL will be credited at the rate of 5/3 days for each completed calendar month in the half year in which he is appointed . 
The H.P.L. credit to be afforded will be reduced by 1/18th of Extraordinary Leave availed/or period of dies non during the previous half year, subject to maximum 10 days.

HPL can be availed with or without Medical Certificate.

HPL without Medical Certificate earns only Half Pay for the employee during the period of leave availed.

4.Maternity Leave

Maternity leave is granted to a female Govt. servant with less than two surviving children for a period of 180 days from the date of its commencement.

Maternity leave may be combined with leave of any other kind.(Except CL).

It is granted on full pay.

Maternity leave for a total period not exceeding 45 days in the entire service may also be granted to a female Govt. servant (irrespective of number of surviving children) in case of miscarriage including abortion and induced abortion,provided the application for the leave is supported by a medical certificate.

5.Paternity Leave

Paternity leave is granted to a male Govt. servant having less than two surviving children.

Fifteen days during confinement of wife i.e. 15 days before or up to six months from the date of delivery.

Leave salary will be equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.

Paternity leave can be combined with any other leave ( except casual leave).

Not to be refused normally.

It is not debited to the leave account.

LTC Can be aviled.

6.Child care leave

Women Govt. servant having minor children may be granted Child Care Leave by an authority competent to grant leave for maximum period of 730 days during
their entire service for taking care of up to two children, whether for rearing or to look after any of their needs like examination, sickness etc.

CCL shall not be admissible if the child is eighteen years of age or older. However maximum age level limitation is removed for disabled child.

It should not disrupt the functioning of Central Govt.Offices.

Minimum days for CCL are now 05 .

CCL should not be normally sanctioned during Probation period.

CCL may not be granted for more than 3 spells in a calendar year.

LTC can be availed during child care leave.

7.Extraordinary leave

EOL is granted to a Govt. Servant

a. When no other leave is admissible

b. When other leave is admissible, but the
Govt. Servant applies in writing for EOL.

EOL also be granted to regularize periods of absence without leave retrospectively .

EOL is entered with red ink in the service records of an employee . 

8.Study leave

Allowed only after completion of five 
years of service (Including probation) 

Government servant is not due to reach 
the age of superannuation from the 
Government service within three years from the date on which he is expected to return to duty after the expiry of the leave.

Govt.Servant  has to execute a Bond as laid down in Rule 53(4) undertaking to serve the Government for a period of three years after the expiry of the leave.

Maximum period : 24 Months (36 Months in case of CHS Doctors) 

• Ordinarily allowed for a period of 12 Months at a time 

• Can be combined with other regular 
leave but the total period of absence 
may not exceed 28 months (other than 
EOL) in a stretch . 36 Months for Ph.D. 

Not debited to any leave account. 

• Leave Salary : 

1. For studies in India 
Pay+DA +HRA 

2. For studies outside India 
Pay+DA+HRA+ Study allowance 

* No study allowance is admissible if studies are made within India 

9.Commuted leave

Commuted Leave not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due can be taken on Medical Certificate. 

If commuted leave is taken, twice a number of days availed should be debited in the half pay leave account.

Commuted leave can be taken without medical certificate.

a. Upto a maximum of 90 days in the entire service if utilized for the approved course of study certified to be in public  interest.

b. Upto a maximum of 60 days by a female Govt. servant if it is in Continuation of maternity leave/ Child adoption.

10.Special Casual Leave(SCL)

Special Casual Leave is given to employees when they are absent from duty due to participation in sports events, Republic Day Parade, cultural activities, Trade Union meetings, voluntary blood donation, etc. During the time of SCL, the employee receives 100% pay. This can be sanctioned retrospectively as well.

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