Modification Rules for Promotional, Incentive & Monitoring Structure of PLI / RPLI

F.No: 28-03/2019-L1 

Government of India Ministry of Communications 

Department of Posts (Directorate of Postal Life Insurance) Chanakyapuri P.O. Complex, New Delhi-110021 

Dated: 11.07.2023 


All Heads of Circles 

Subject: Promotional, Incentive & Monitoring Structure of PLI / RPLI - reg 

The existing promotional structure and incentive structure of PLI/RPLI was issued vide PLI Directorate OM No 28-03/2019-LI dated 19.06.2020. 

2. In view of the concerns raised by Circles, the existing promotional and incentive structure has been modified based on the feedback received from Circles. The modifications in the promotional and incentive structure of PLI/RPLI is as under:

2.1 Monitoring of sales force team (modification in Annexure-I of PLI Directorate OM No. 28-03/2019-LI dated 19.06.2020) 

2.2 Engagement of Development Officer (modification in Annexure-II of PLI  Directorate OM No. 28-03/2019-LI dated 19.06.2020 and clarification issued vide PLI Directorate letter 28-03/2019-LI dated 18.10.2022): 

Procedure of engagement of Development Officer in Divisions 


The Head of Postal Division issues a notice calling for willingness of eligible officials interested to work as Development Officer in the Postal Division.  

DO will be selected through a two-stage process, comprising of a written examination followed by interview at Divisional level. 

The minimum and max age limits for DO are 25 years and 55 years respectively. Development Officer does not procure PLI/RPLI business directly.


The existing procedure will continue with the following modification: 

In case no eligible official applies for the post of Development Officer after attempting notice/advertisement thrice, following procedure may be followed: 

(a) Willingness from all neighbouring Divisions within Region be called, 

(b) In case willing candidate from neighbouring Division is selected, the official shall be posted as DO to said Division and shall return to his parent Division on completion of tenure as DO. 

(c) In case no eligible official is available even after following procedure at (a) & (b) above, Divisional Head may post any eligible official as Development Officer from his Division. 

2.3 Increase in Age limit of sales force (modification in Annexure-III & IV of PLI Directorate OM No. 28-03/2019-LI dated 19.06.2020): 

Para 2.2 of Annexure-III of PLI Directorate OM No. 28-03/2019-LI dated 19.06.2020 amended as follows: 

2.2. Categories of Applicants: Any Central /State Government retired officer/official including Group A/ Group B officers and GDS. Persons applying for FOs should not have any pending official / disciplinary inquiry pending against her/him.” 

2.4. Incentive to Divisional Heads, ASP(HQ), Sub-Divisional Heads & Development Officer (modification in Annexure-V of PLI Directorate OM No. 28-03/2019-LI dated 19.06.2020): 

Incentive to Divisional Head, Dy. SP/ASP(HQ)/OS & & Sub-Divisional Heads


No incentive is paid to Divisional Head/Dy. SP/ASP(HQ)/OS and Sub Divisional Head.

However, Development officer is paid incentive @ 1% of the total PLI and RPLI New business Premium (NBP) procured by Direct agent attached to that DO


Procurement incentive at the following rates may be paid to monitoring staff at Division such as Development Officer, Sub Divisional Divisional Head, ASP(HQ)/OS, Divisional Head:

(i) Development Officer @ 0.7% of new business premium procured  by DA & FO under him 

ii) Sub-Divisional Head @ 0.7% of new business premium procured by GDS under him.

(iii) ASP (HQ)/OS @ 0.7% of new business premium procured by DE under him. However, where ASP(HQ)/OS are not available the incentive and supervisory duties of DE sales force may be entrusted Dy, SP, In case of any difficulty in implementation of the above order,the Divisional Head, after obtaining approval from the next business higher authority may entrust the supervisory duty to any other official of IP/ASP cadre. Such officer performing supervisory duties shall be eligible for drawal of incentive @ 0.7% of new business premium procured by DE under him. Agents 

 (iv) Divisional Head @ 0.3% of new business procured by all sales force of the Division (DE/FO/GDS/DA). 

No renewal incentive will be paid to Development Officer, Sub Divisional Head, Dy. SP/ ASP(HQ)/OS & Divisional Head. 

3.The modifications in the promotional and incentive structure of PLI/ RPLI  as mentioned in para 2 above will be effective from 01.07.2023. 

4. This issues with the approval of Director General Postal Services. 

(Gurvinder Singh)
Deputy Divisional Manager - I 

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