1) What is the expansion of "UPU‟?

a) Universal Post Unit

b) Union Postal Unit

c) Universal Postal Union

d) Universal Parcel Union

2) In the foreign post the term “Letter Post “ applies to the following classes of Postal Articles:

a) Printed Papers

b) Post Cards

c) Registered News Papers

d) All of the above

3) An aerogramme should not weigh more than

a) 3 gms

b) 5 gms

c) 10 gms

d) None of the above

4) The minimum weight of a bag in Bulk Bag (M bag) system is __________.

a) 2 Kg.

b) 3 Kg.

c) 4 Kg.

d) 5 Kg.

5) Mark incorrect option related to Postcard:

a) Should not be folded, cut or altered and should be sent unenclosed.

b) Breach of the conditions may be treated as letter and postage will be taxed accordingly.

c) Unpaid and insufficiently paid postcards are forwarded taxed with double the deficiency.

d) The amount is recovered from sender after the delivery.

6) The fee for a blind literature packet to be air lifted to a foreign country is:

a) Air surcharge as applicable to letter post

b) Air surcharge as applicable to printed paper

c) Free of charge

d) None of the above

7) The delivery of a foreign article in the country of destination

a) Varies from country to country

b) Uniform all over

c) As described by the sender

d) None of these.

8) In connection with "Foreign Post‟ the term L.V. means

a) Letter Card

b) Letter Category

c) Letters and cards

d) None of these

9) What is maximum weight limit of a packet of literature for the blind meant for foreign country?

a) 5 Kg

b) 10 Kg

c) 7 Kg

d) 20 Kg

10) India joined the AOPU (APPU) in the year

a) 1970

b) 1973

c) 1978

d) 1975

11) The full form of "NI‟ is:

a) National Internet

b) Network Integrator

c) Network Implementation

d) National Integrator

12) The segment of IT Modernization Project 2012 which prepared the workforce for the complete change in Departments working after implementation of IT Projects is named as

a) Change Management

b) Financial Services Integrator

c) Core system Integrator

d) Data Centre Facility

13) Financial Services Integrator (FSI) provides solutions for which of the following?

a) Core Banking

b) Core Insurance

c) Both 9a) and (b)

d) None of the above

14) Core System Integrator (CSI) provides solution for

a) Mail Operations

b) Finance and Accounts

c) Human Resources

d) All of the above

15) The full form of "DPMS‟ is:

a) Delivery and Postman Management System

b) Delivered Postal Mail Scheme

c) Delay in Postal Mail System

d) Data of Postal Mail system

16) What is/ are the objectives of IT Modernization Project?

a) Empower Rural

b) Increase Market share and Revenue

c) Offer New Product and Services

d) All the above

17) Who is the vendor of Data Centre Facility?


b) Reliance

c) Infosys

d) TCS

18) Under which network post offices have been networked?

a) Local Area Network

b) Wide Area Network

c) Wireless Area Network

d) Virtual Private Network

19) Which one is incorrect?

a) CEPT – The Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology

b) UPS – Uninterrupted Power Station

c) DARPAN – Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India

d) All the above

20) A ‟SOL‟ in Core Banking Solutions (CBS) refer to :

a) Systematic Outlet

b) Sub Office Layout

c) Service Outlet

d) Service Organization Layout

21) What is the maximum weight up to which domestic Speed post can be booked?

a) 35 Kg

b) 20 Kg

c) 4 Kg

d) 2 Kg

22) Conversion of single to joint account or vice versa is?

a) Allowed

b) Not Allowed

c) Allowed only once

d) Allowed twice in a year

23) National Savings Time Deposit Accoount (TD) can be opened with minimum of Rs. ______ and in multiple of Rs. __________.

a) 100, 100

b) 1000, 10000

c) 1000, 100

d) 100, 1000

24) Which is correct about Withdrawal from Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA)?

a) Withdrawal may be taken after girl child attains age of 18 or passed 10th standard.

b) Withdrawal may be taken up to 50% of balance available at the end of the preceding F.Y.

c) Withdrawal may be made in one lump sum or in instalments, not exceeding one per year.

d) All above are correct.

25) Amount invested in Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) doubles in ______________ months.

a) 113

b) 118

c) 124

d) 120

26) “IFS” stands for

a) International financial system

b) International Finance Service

c) Internal Funds Service

d) None of the above

27) Who is/ are eligible for obtaining a PLI Policy from the following?

a) Central/ State Government Employees

b) Defence Services

c) Nationalized Banks

d) All the above

28) What is the periodicity of payment of Anticipated endowment Assurance of 20 years policy?

a) 6 years, 9 years, 12 years & 15 years

b) 8 years, 12 years, 16 years & 20 years

c) 4 years, 8 years, 12 years & 16 years

d) 5 years, 10 years, 15 years & 20 years

29) India Post offers a unique advertisement concept to help the Indian Corporate and the Government Organizations to reach potential customer through?

a) Medai Post

b) Business Post

c) Retail Post

d) ePost

30) What is the brand name for personalized sheets of Postage Stamps of India 


a) Philately

b) My Stamp


d) None of the above

31) Cash bag should be sealed by__________.

a) Insurance Seal

b) Cash Seal and with Black sealing wax

c) Cash seal

d) Any of the above

32) In which form attendance register will be maintained?

a) MS-95

b) S-35

c) S-37

d) MS-94

33) NSC and KVP is issued in the shape of Passbook Format w.e.f.__________.

A) 01-06-2016

B) 01-07-2016

C) 01-08-2016

D) None of the above

34) As per SB order 13/2019, who can open Senior Citizen Savings Scheme, 2019 Account?

a) An individual above 60 years of age

b) Retired civilian employees above 55 years

c) Retired defence employees above 50 years

d) All the above

35) Interest rates of Small Savings Schemes are changed__________.

a) Quarterly

b) Monthly

c) Annually

d) Half Yearly

36) Metal token has to be returned , if the Sorting Assistant

a) Goes on leave

b) Transfers to other HRO

c) Dismissed/ Removed from service

d) All the above

37) The authority competent to relax the provision of office attendance at Record Office is _________.

a) The Superintendent of RMS

b) The Sub Divisional Inspector

c) The Head of the Circle

d) The Record/ Sub Record Officer

38) A Sorting Assistant will be considered unfit for his post

a) If he is not dressed neatly

b) If he is a regular late comer

c) If he mis-sent articles regularly which clearly and legibly addressed

d) None of these

39) When articles should be returned to the office of posting for return to the sender and refund of the postage stamps as affixed:

a) Article addressed to places for which the insures letter services is not available

b) Article insured for a sum exceeding the maximum for the particular destination concerned

c) Articles addressed to initials or the address of which is written in pencil or ceased or corrected

d) All of the above

40) What is maximum weight limit of bags for foreign post?

a) 35 kg

b) 30 kg

c) 25 Kg

d) 10 kg

41) What is the maximum weight limit of a book post containing periodicals?

a) 2 Kg

b) 4 Kg

c) 5 Kg

d) 7 Kg

42) These will be delivered through Post Box:

a) All article including accountable articles and Money Orders

b) Only fully paid unregistered articles of the letter mail

c) Fully paid unregistered articles of letter mail and parcels

d) None of the above

43) in which Post Offices articles can be insured?

a) Branch Post Office

b) Sub Post Offices

c) Head Post Offices

d) All Post Offices

44) Authority to whom complaints should be addressed:

a) Superintendent of Post Offices

b) Postmaster of a First Class Head Post Office

c) Either of the above, as the case may be

d) None of the above

45) Head Quarters of Kerala Circle is Situated at _____________

a) Chennai

b) Thiruvananthapuram

c) Bangalore

d) Patna

46) In which case(s) registration is compulsory?

a) Any parcel exceeding 4 Kg

b) Any insured article

c) Any VP article

d) All the above

47) No compensation will be payable in case(s)

a) For loss or damage cause by the fault or negligence of the sender

b) Article is prohibited by transmission by post

c) For damage in case in which the contents of the registered article are liquid 

or perishable articles or articles of and exceptionally fragile nature.

d) All the above.

48) Money order neither paid to payee nor remitter is called as:

a) Unclaimed money order

b) Void money order

c) Lapsed money order

d) None of these

49) A letter posted unpaid is charged on delivery as____________

a) Single Postage

b) Double the Postage

c) Deficiency of Postage

d) No recovery is to be made

50) Article addressed to deceased person:

a) Deliver such article to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied for them in case uninsured article.

b) Deliver such article to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied for them in case do not appear to contain any valuable property

c) Deliver such article to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied for them in case counter – claimant or likelihood of dispute

d) All of the above


1 c    11 b      21 a          31 b       41 c 

2 d    12 a      22 b          32 c       42 b 

3 a    13 c       23 c         33 b       43 d 

4 d    14 d      24 d         34 d.       44 c 

5 d    15 a       25 c         35 a.       45 b 

6 b    16 d       26 a        36 d       46 d 

7 a     17 b      27 d        37 c.       47 d 

8 c      18 b       28 b       38 c       48 b 

9 c      19 b       29 a       39 -        49 b

10 b    20 c      30 b       40 b        50 -

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