1) FSI refers to—

a) Financial Services Integrator 

b) Finance Service Institute 

c) Financial Services Institute 

d) Financial Source Integrator 

2) The Core System Integrator provides solutions 

a) For PO Counter & Mail Operation, Retail, Logistics Post, Remittances, 

Philately, Finance & Accounts & Human Resources 

b) For Savings Bank Operations 

c) For Postal Life insurance operations 

d) None of the above 

3) In IT Project, NI refers to 

a) Network Integrator 

b) National integrator 

c) Network Institute 

d) None of the above 

4) DARPAN Project is for 

a) Head post offices 

b) Sub Post offices 

c) Branch Post offices 

d) Administrative offices 

5) Which module is used for dispatching the accountable articles

a) Back office 

b) IPVS 

c) DPMS 

d) POS 

6) In Core System Integrator (CSI) environment, e Post Office is classified into 

a) Profit Centre 

b) Cost Centre 

c) Fund Centre 

d) All the above

7) Every employee has been given one unique employee ID and the roles are assigned by the Controlling authority. Employee ID is of ____ digits. 

a) Eight 

b) Seven 

c) Nine 

d) Eleven 

8) Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) is at 

a) CEPT, Mysuru 

b) DMCC, Chennai 

c) CEPT, Bengaluru 

d) CEPT, Mumbai 

9) Which module is used for accounting in CSI SAP application? 

a) Back Office Module 

b) IPVS Module — Offline version/Online version 

c) DPMS Module- Comprehensive Postmen Package. 

d) F&A Module- Core Accounting 

10) Counter User can not login in multiple systems as counter are mapped with 

a) MAC- Media Access Control Binding 

b) MAC- Multiple Access Control Binding 

c) MAC- Mapped Access Control Binding 

d) None of the above. 

11) Preservation period of Nominal Roll 

a) 10 Years 

b) 20 Years 

c) 30 Years 

d) Permanent 

12) A VP article on which intimation has been served and lying in the deposit for seven days can be retained 

a) For further seven days without any fees 

b) For further seven days on payment of fees 

c) For fifteen days on payment of fees 

d) Cannot be retained & returned to sender after 7 days

13) Postmaster order book (MS-1) maintained in 

a) All Sub Offices 

b) All Branch Offices 

c) All Head Offices 

d) All the above 

14) What are the irregularities which are required to be brought to the notice of the postmaster by the sub account assistant? 

a) When the amount held in cash by a Sub Office exceeds the authorized 

maximum balance and cash is held below the authorized balance 

b) When the stamps are not sold by Sub Office 

c) Both the a and b 

d) Neither a Nor b 

15) In sub offices cash received through special carrier a receipt for the sum should be given 

a) In Sub Office daily account 

b) In treasurer cash book 

c) In Carrier's book or dairy 

d) Any one of the above 

16) Information from RMS records asked for by any Government officer be given 

a) With the specific orders of the division head 

b) With the specific orders of the DG posts 

c) With the specific orders of the Head of the circle 

d) None of these 

17) Before closing the work of the set for the day the work papers must be examined by 

a) The Head Sorting Assistant 

b) The Senior most Postal Assistant 

c) Head Record Officer (HRO) 

d) None of these

18) If a registered article is presented for booking at the counter of mail office on Sunday

a) It will be refused for booking 

b) It will be accepted with normal fee 

c) It will be accepted with late fee in additional to normal fee 

d) None of these 

19) Live mail survey is carried out in 

a) Yearly 

b) Monthly 

c) Half Yearly 

d) Once in two year 

20) The Postal directorate 'D' Section will function as the 

a) Central Bag office 

b) Circle bag office 

c) DBO 

d) None of these 

21) Machine franked articles can be posted in letter boxes. Above statement is 

a) True 

b) False 

c) Cannot say 

d) None of these 

22) Parcel can be sent by Unregistered up to 

a) 4 Kg 

b) 2 Kg 

c) 20 kg 

d) 5 kg 

23) In which cases registration is compulsory? 

a) Any parcel exceeding 4 kg in weight 

b) Any insured article 

c) Any VP article 

d) All the above

24) A postal article can be redirected only by 

a) Any RMS office through which it passes 

b) Any Post Office through which it passes 

c) The office to which it is addressed 

d) All the above 

25) Registered articles addressed to a pardanashin woman should be delivered 

a) Only to pardanashin woman 

b) To any family member 

c) To the witness who identifies the signature of the pardanashin woman and 

is known to the postman 

d) None of these 

26) Blind literature packet are not exempted from payment of 

a) Postage 

b) Registration Fee 

c) Airmail Charges 

d) Fee for Acknowledgement 

27) Redirection fee of parcels except delivery area /original address is 

a) Postage plus registration fee 

b) Full postage 

c) Half the prepaid rate 

d) Free of cost 

28) License for Registered newspaper is issued by 

a) DG Posts 

b) Head of the circle 

c) Head of division 

d) PMG 

29) The following articles can be transmitted by air without any additional charge 

a) Parcel 

b) All first class mail 

c) Book packet 

d) All the above

30) First class mails are 

a) Letters, Book packets and letter card 

b) Letters, Letter cards, and registered news paper 

c) Letters, postcards and letter cards

d) Letters, Blind literature packets and letter cards 

31) The validity period of Medical certificate produced for taking PLI/RPLI policy is 

a) 60 days 

b) 90 days 

c) 30 days 

d) 120 days 

32) What is the maximum admissible amount of Loan under PLI/RPLI? 

a) 60% of surrender value 

b) 90% of surrender Value 

c) 35% of surrender value 

d) 50% of surrender value 

33) RPLI/PLI Maturity Claim should be settled with in 

a) 30 days 

b) On the day of receipt 

c) 15 days from the date of receipt 

d) A week 

34) Which one is not a Premium product 

a) Parcel 

b) Speed Post 

c) Business Post 

d) Greetings Post 

35) Advertisement on Postal Stationary comes under which category of product 

a) Logistics post 

b) Greetings post 

c) Media post 

d) Speed post 

36) India's first Postage stamp 

a) Penny Black 


c) Commemorative stamps 

d) Definitive stamps

37) How many defaults are allowed under Recurring deposit? 

a) Three 

b) Four 

c) Five 

d) Six 

38) State the Senior Citizen Savings Scheme account term and limit 

a) 5 years, Rs.10 lakhs 

b) 3 years, Rs.15 lakhs 

c) 5 years, Rs.15 lakhs 

d) 10 years, Rs.15 lakhs 

39) _____ account can be opened only for the benefit of girl child 

a) Public Provident Fund 

b) Sukanya Samriddhi Account 

c) Monthly Income Scheme 

d) Time Deposit 

40) India Post Payments Bank tag line is 





41) The corresponding inland post service to the printed paper service in the foreign post is 

a) Pattern and sample packet 

b) Registered News paper 

c) Book packet service 

d) None of these

42) Article except VP addressed as " Postal Restante" are detained in the Post Office of delivery for the period not exceeding 

a) Seven days

b) Three months 

c) One month 

d) Fifteen days 

43) The max weight of an Airmail letter should not exceed 

a) 4 Kg 

b) 5 Kg 

c) 2 Kg 

d) 1 Kg

44) In Foreign post manual, the temrs L.C means 

a) Letter card 

b) Letter category 

c) Letters and Cards 

d) None of these 

45) An aerogramme should not weigh more than 

a) 3 gms 

b) 5 gms 

c) 10 gms 

d) None of the above 

46) When an insured foreign parcel is redirected from one country to the another

a) No additional insurance fee is to be levied 

b) Half of the original insurance fee is to levied for such transmissions 

c) A fresh insurance fee become payable for each such transmission 

d) None of the above 

47) If postal articles already booked are detained, confiscated according to the law the one who is to take responsibilities for it is 

a) The sender or the addressee 

b) The Post Office of booking 

c) The Post Office of delivery 

d) Department of Posts 

48) If an unpaid or under paid registered article under foreign post is tendered at the counter 

a) It cannot be registered and refused. 

b) It can be registered with an note that the deficiency would be collected from addressee 

c) It has to be handed over to the Postmaster for his disposal 

d) None of the above

49) The fee for a blind literature packet to be air lifted to a foreign country is

a) Air surcharge as applicable to letter post

b) Free of charge

c) Air surcharge as applicable to printed paper

d) None of the above

50) The abbreviation 'UPU' stands for 

a) United Postal Union 

b) Universal Postal union 

c) United Pacific Union 

d) None of these 


1 a    11 d    21 b    31 a    41 c 

2 a    12 b    22 a    32 b    42 c 

3 a    13 c    23 d    33 a    43 c 

4 c    14 a    24 c    34 a    44 c 

5 b    15 c    25 c    35 c    45 a 

6 d    16 c    26 c    36 b    46 c 

7 a    17 a    27 c    37 b    47 a 

8 a    18 c    28 c    38 c    48 a 

9 d    19 b    29 b   39 b    49 c 

10 a   20 a   30 c   40 b    50 b 

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