1) Consider the following statements: 

(1) Tuvalu and Tunisia are member countries of the Universal Postal union 

(2) Burkina Faso is not a member country of the Universal Postal Union 

(3) India is a member of the Universal Postal Union Which of the following statements given above is/are correct? 

a) 2 only 

b) 1 and 2 only 

c) 1 and 3 only 

d) 1 only 

2) Machine franked articles posted in letter boxes shall be treated as: 

a) paid articles 

b) unpaid articles 

c) registered articles 

d) insufficiently prepaid articles 

3) As per Post Office Guide Part II, the use of inland letter cards for addressing communications to foreign countries is not permissible excepting for ____, ____ and ____

a) United States of America, Russia and France 

b) Bhutan, Bangladesh and Nepal 

c) Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and China 

d) None of these 

4) Consider the following statements: 

(1) Registration facility is not available for Small Packets and Printed Papers. 

(2) The Indian Post Office will not refuse to accept Registered article to a foreign country addressed to a Post Box Number without other particulars. 

(3) The acceptance of registered letters addressed to Post Box Numbers is on the distinct understanding that the Indian Post Office will not be responsible for the manner of their delivery in foreign country or for their non-delivery and return. 

Which of the following statements given above is/are wrong? 

a) 1 only 

b) 1, 2 and 3 

c) 3 only 

d) 2 and 3 only 

5) The manufacture and u postage stamps is an offence Punishable under Section 263-A of ________ 

a) the CCS (CCA) Rules office Act

b) the Indian Post Office Act

c) the Indian Penal Code 

d) None of these

6) The "Printed paper" service in the foreign post corresponds to the ____ Service in the inland post, with some variations in the conditions. 

a) Post card 

b) Book Packet 

c) Inland letter card 

d) None of these 

7) India Post allows free transmission of blind literature packet upto 

a) 10 kilograms 

b) 15 kilograms 

c) 7 kilograms 

d) 8 kilograms 

8) Maximum weight permissible for Letters (international) is: 

a) 0.5kg 

b) 1.5kg 

c) 1 kg 

d) 2 kg 

9) Which of the following country is not a member of APPU: 

a) Thailand 

b) Philippines 

c) Bhutan 

d) Germany

10) With reference to International mail services (Parcel Post), the following is/are accepted without packing

a) Articles which can be fitted together or put and kept together by a strong cord with lead or other seals, so as to form one single parcel which cannot come apart. 

b) Parcels in one piece, such as pieces of wood, metal, etc. which it is not the custom of the trade to pack. 

c) Both (a) and (b) 

d) None of these 

11) Registration is compulsory for any parcel (domestic) exceeding in weight. 

a) 1 kilogram 

b) 2 kilograms 

c) 3 kilograms 

d) 4 Kilograms 

12) With reference to post Office Guide part I, Consider the following statements: 

(1) A letter posted unpaid is charged on delivery with double the postage

(2) A letter posted insufficiently prepaid is charged on delivery with double the amount of the deficiency

(3) A letter posted insufficiently prepaid is charged on delivery with the amount of the deficiency only

Which of the following statements given above is/are correct? 

a) 1 and 3 only

b) 1 and 2 only 

c) 3 only 

d) None of these 

13) In the foreign post, the term "Letter Post" applies to which of the following classes of postal articles: 

1.Small Packets 

2.Literature for the blind 

3.Post cards,


Select the correct answer using the codes given below. 

a) 3 and 4 only 

b) 4 only 

c) 1,2,3 and 4 

d) None of these 

14) Consider the following statements: 

(1) Book Packet containing Printed Books should not contain any publication published at regular intervals. 

(2) In Book Packet containing Periodicals, the contents should be periodicals registered with the 'Registrar of Newspapers in India'. 

(3) No pattern or sample packet should be more than 2 kilograms in weight. 

Which of the following statements given above is/are correct? 

a) 1,2 and 3 

b) 2 and3 only 

c) 1 and 2 only

d) None of these 

15) With reference to the Post Office Guide Part II, Which of the following is/ are restrictions imposed by the Indian Post Office Act? 

(1) It is prohibited to send or receive any ticket, proposal or advertisement relating to a lottery or any other matter descriptive of or otherwise relating to a lottery, which is circulated to act as an inducement to persons to participate in that lottery (except where the lottery is organized by the Government and this fact is indicated with full particulars on the cover along with sender's name and address). 

(2) It is prohibited to send or receive any newspaper, book or document containing any seditious matter, that is to say any matter the publication of which is punishable under the Indian Penal Code. 

(3) It is prohibited to send any newspaper printed and published in India without conforming to the rules laid down in the Press and Registration of Books Act 1867(Act 25 of 1867). 

Select the correct answer using the codes given below: 

a) 1 only 

b) 1 and 2 only 

c) 2 and 3 only 

d) 1, 2 and 3 

16) As per Post Office Guide Part I, a Poste Restante article (except value payable) is kept in the post office to which it is addressed for a period not exceeding 

a) 1 month 

b) 7 days 

c) 15 days 

d) 21 days 

17) Maximum limit up to which articles booked at authorized Branch Post offices can be insured: 

a) Rs.6000 

b) Rs.600 

c) Rs.50000 

d) None of these 

18) Maximum prescribed size of a letter (domestic) in other than roll form:

a) Single dimension=60cm , sum of length, breadth and depth= 90cm 

b) Single dimension=110cm , sum of length, breadth and depth=120cm 

c) Single dimension=120cm , sum of length, breadth and depth=-150cm 

d) Single dimension=95cm , sum of length, breadth and depth=125cm 

19) India Joined APPU in the year

a) 1947

b) 2019

c) 2000

d) 1973

20) With reference to Post Office Guide part I, Consider the following statements: 

(1) Letters, post cards and letter cards are treated as first class mail 

(2) Book Packets, Registered Newspapers, Pattern and sample packets and Blind literature packets are treated as articles of first class mail 

(3) Post cards and letter cards are treated as second class mail 

Which of the following statements given above is/are correct? 

a) 2 and 3 only 

b) 1 and 2 only 

c) 1 only 

d) None of these

21) S.B. Order 1/2019 dated 3.1.2019 is on the subject: 

a) Regarding extension of MIS/SCSS/KVP/ NSC/PPF schemes up to GDS Branch Post Office level through cheque 

b) Regarding incorporation of Aadhaar Seeding facility in withdrawal form (SB-7) and pay in slip (SB-103). 

c) lntra Operable Netbanking for POSE Saving Accounts 

d) None of these 

22) The cost of one My Stamp sheet is: 

a) Rs.200/-

b) Rs. 300/-

c) Rs.500/-

d) None of these 

23) With reference to SB order 13/2019 dated 18/12/2019 on the subject 

regarding replacement of existing National Small Savings Schemes(POSB) Rules and issuance of fresh National Small Savings Schemes(POSB)Rules 

2019, Consider the following statements: 

(1) Minimum deposit in Public Provident Fund is Rs.1000 (and in multiples of 1000) 

(2) Minimum deposit in Sukanya Samriddhi Account is Rs.250 

Which of the following statements given above is/are correct? 

a) 1 only 

b) 2 only 

c) 1 and 2 

d) None of these 

24) Which of the following is a hybrid mail of India Post? 

a) e-Post

b) Speed Post

c) Logistics Post 

d) None of these 

25) Consider the following statements:

(1) The Record Officer is authorized, when necessary, to order Sorting Assistants to do overtime duty. 

(2) The Record Officer may permit mutual exchange of duties between sorting assistants so long as it does not involve any extra expenditure and does not interfere with the working of the Department. 

Which of the following statements given above is/are correct? 

a) 1 only 

b) 2 only 

c) 1 and 2 

d) None of these

26) With reference to Foreign Post Manual, an Office of exchange in which the work of assessment of customs duty on foreign mails is carried out is:

a) Sub Foreign Post office

b) Foreign Post Office 

c) NDC 

d) None of these 

27) With reference to Postal Life Insurance, Consider the following statements: 

(1) Suraksha is Whole Life Insurance 

(2) Santosh is Endowment Assurance

Which of the following statements given above is/are correct? 

a) 1 only 

b) 2 only 

c) 1 and 2 only 

d) None of these 

28) With reference to Postal Manual Volume VII, Consider the following statements: 

(1) Smoking, cooking and the use of naked lights or entry of unauthorized persons in mail van is strictly prohibited. 

(2) No stove or private lamp should be carried in a mail van except with the specific written authority of the Divisional Superintendent. In such case, the stove or the lamp must on no account contain any combustible substance or be unpacked.

Which of the following statements given above is/are correct? 

a) 1 only 

b) 2 only 

c) 1 and 2

d) None of these 

29) In the scheme Gram Priya (10 years RPLI),maximum age at entry is:

a) 45 years 

b) 50 years 

c) 55 years 

d) 52 years. 

30) As per Postal Manual Volume VI Part III ,the minimum and maximum cash balance and the maximum balance to be held in postage (Authorized Balances) is fixed for each Sub office (S.0.) by the ____

a) Superintendent 

b) Postmaster General 

c) Postmaster 

d) None of these 

31) The Primary Data Centre of India Post is functioning at: 

a) Navi Mumbai 

b) New Delhi 

c) Chennai 

d) None of these 

32) With reference to Foreign Post Manual, Postal articles enclosed in a bag for a country other than that to which the articles are addressed are said to be forwarded a decouvert. These are also referred to as 

a) mails send in open transit 

b) Closed transit mail 

c) Both (a) and (b) 

d) None of these

33) Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana is related to

a) Promotion of Gram BalJiwan Bima 

b) Promotion of POSB accounts among children 

c) Promotion of Sukanya Samriddhi Account 

d) Promotion of philately among Children 

34) With reference to Rule 65 of Postal Manual Volume VII, the insurance seals must remain in the possession of the ___ who is responsible for it safe custody, and will be held answerable if any improper use is made of it. 

a) Mail agent 

b) Multi Tasking Staff 

c) Office Assistant 

d) Head Sorting Assistant 

35) In the PLI scheme Convertible Whole Life Assurance (Suvidha), minimum and maximum sum assured limit is: 

a) Minimum sum assured Rs. 15,000; Maximum Rs.20 lakhs 

b) Minimum sum assured Rs. 10,000; Maximum Rs.10 lakhs 

c) Minimum sum assured Rs. 20,000; Maximum Rs.50 lakhs 

d) None of these 

36) DARPAN stand for: 

a) Digital Advantage in Rural Post offices for a New India 

b) Digital Administration of Rural Post offices for National development 

c) Digital Administration of Rural Post Office for a Network in New India 

d) Digital Advancement of Rural Post office for a New India 

37) The period of preservation for Stock Book of a Post Office is: 

a) 3 years 

b) 10 years after the year in which it is replaced by a fresh stock book 

c) Permanent record 

d) None of these 

38) Minimum amount for opening a Post Office Monthly Income Scheme Account is

a) Rs.500 

b) Rs.1000

c) Rs. 1500 

d) None of these 

39) With reference to Postal Manual Volume VI part I, Instructions received from addressees authorizing the post office to deliver articles or pay money orders to persons other than themselves should be treated as lapsed after a time-limit of 

a) 6 months 

b) 2 years unless renewed within that time. 

c) one year 

d) 3 years 

40) Employees of which of the following are eligible for Postal Life Insurance: 

(1) Employees of Central Government, State Government , Government-aided Educational Institutions 

(2) Employees of all scheduled Commercial Banks 

(3) Employees of Credit Co-operative Societies and other Co-operative Societies registered with Government under the Co-operative Societies Act and partly or fully funded from the Central/ State Government/RBI/ SBI/ Nationalized Banks/ NABARD and other such institutions notified by Government.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below. 

a) 1 and 2 only 

b) 1, 2 and 3 

c) 1 only 

d) None of these

41) Each Departmental Post office is called a SOL (Service Outlet) in

a) CSI

b) Finacle

c) CSI and FInacle

d) None of these

42) CBS in India Post is related to

a) Finacle 

b) Sanchaya Post 

c) Both Finacle and Sanchaya Post 

d) None of these 

43) With reference to RICT, which of the following cannot be considered as a peripheral of Main Computing Device

a) Laser Printer 

b) Thermal Printer 

c) 2 D Scanner 

d) Finger print scanner 

44) Post Office time deposit for which of the following period is not available: 

a) 4 years 

b) 3 years 

c) 2 years 

d) 1 year 

45) DPMS and F & A is a module of: 

a) CIS 

b) CSI 

c) NI 

d) None of these 

46) The concept of Cost centre and Profit centre is in: 

a) McCamish 

b) NI 

c) CSI 

d) None of these

47) Daily ATM cash withdrawal limit using India Post ATM card is:

a) Rs 10000 

b) Rs.25000 

c) Rs. 5000

d) Rs. 20000 

48) Consider the following statements: 

(1) WAN stand for Wide Area Network 

(2) NI stand for Network Integrator  

Which of the above statements is/are correct? 

a) 1 only 

b) 2 only 

c) 1 and 2 

d) None of these 

49) International Tracked Packets service is available for which of the following destination:

a) Australia 

b) Italy 

c) Brazil 

d) None of these 

50) With reference to IT Modernisation Project of Department of Posts, CIS is related to: 

a) Mails 

b) POSB 

c) PLI 

d) Speed post 


1 c.   11 d      21 c.    31 a    41 b 

2 b.   12 b.    22 b     32 a.   42 a 

3 b.   13 c.    23 b     33 d.   43 a 

4 a    14 a.    24 a.    34 d.   44 a 

5 c.   15 d     25 c     35 c     45 b 

6 b.   16 a    26 b      36 d.   46 c 

7 c    17 b     27 c.    37 b.    47 b 

8 d.   18 a    28 c.    38 b     48 c  

9 d    19 d   29 a      39 d.    49 a 

10 c   20 c   30 a     40 b      50 c

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