1) QR card is associated with which of the following

a) Core Banking Solutions


c) India Post Payments Bank 

d) Post Office Savings Bank. 

2) All RMS officials, other than supervising officers, who travel on duty in a vehicle or compartment reserved for the PO, or who have to enter the platform for exchange of mails must carry the following, to show their right to be present in the mail van or reserved compartment or on the platform

a) Work paper 

b) Mail List 

c) Memorandum of Distribution of work 

d) Metal Token 

3) When more than one official work in an office or a section, memorandum of distribution of work is issued by the 

a) Head of the RMS Division 

b) inspector, Posts 

c) Asst Superintendent of Posts 

d) Head Sorting Assistant 

4) Period of Preservation of an Order book of a mail office and a section is 

a) One year 

b) Three years 

c) Two Years 

d) Eighteen months 

5) Which among the following will not keep any stock of bags? 

a) Unit Bag Office 

b) District Bag Office 

c) Central Bag Office 

d) Circle Bag Office

6) After the close of the office, the stamps and seats used in the several departments or a mail office must be collected and locked by the 

a) Head Sorting Assistant 

b) Head Record Officer 

c) Head Mail Agent 

d) Head Mail Man 

7) The weight of a book packet shall not exceed

a) 7 kilograms 

b) 5 kilograms 

c) 2 Kilograms

d) 4 kilograms 

8) Which of the following is correct about Blind Literature Packets . 

1. No postage is required 

2. Free registration fee and acknowledgment. 

3. If airlift is required customer has to pay air surcharge. 

4. Maximum weight is 7 kg„ 

a) 1&3 above 

b) 1 & 4 above 

c) 1, 2 &4 above 

d) All the above: 

9) Night Post Office working can be extended up to 8:30 pm and also kept open on Sundays under the orders of the 

a) Director General, Posts. 

b) Head of the Circle. 

c) Director Postal Services. 

d) Senior Superintendent./ Superintendent of Post Offices. 

10) Registration of an article is compulsory, if it is a parcel exceeding ___ in weight 

a) 5 kg 

b) 3 kg 

c) 4 kg 

d) 6 kg 

11) Conditions for free re-direction are prescribed in which clause of Post Office Guide Part I? 

a) Clause 79 

b) Clause 69 

c) Clause 96 

d) Clause 97

12) Minimum number of copies prescribed for Direct Post is 

a) 500 

b) 1000 

c) 1500 

d) 2000 

13) Posting of Rill Mail Service should be at least once in __ days. 

a) 30 days 

b) 60 days 

c) 45 days 

d) 90 days 

14)In Post office any irregularity that comes to the notice of Head of office shall be entered in ____.

a) Error Book

b) Hand Book

c) Order Book

d) Instruction Register

15) Which among the following is NOT CORRECT about DARPAN device 

a) Speed Post, eMO can be booked through the device. 

b) After delivery of VP articles, VPMO can be booked directly through the device. 

c) BPM can prepare daily account electronically and print out can be taken. 

d) Stamp salts -cannot be made through the device. 

16) Letter Sorting Machine (LSM) in AMPCs (Automated Mail Processing Centre) has a Sorting capacity of ___ items per how 

a) 25000 or more 

b) 40000 or more 

c) 30000 or more 

d) 20000 or more

17) 'Which among the following comprises of unaddressed postal articles like letters, cards, brochures, pamphlets, coupons etc.? 

a) Retail Post 

b) Media post 

c) Direct Mail 

d) Direct Post 

18) India was represented at International Post Corporation Conference 2019 on 24th May, 2019 at 

a) Bangkok, Thailand 

b) Germany 

c) Netherlands 

d) Berne, Switzerland 

19) POPSKs (Post Office Passport Seva Kendra ) are opened as per the feasibility of space & manpower in Post Offices in consultations with which Ministry? 

a) Ministry of Defence 

b) Ministry of Home Affairs 

c) Ministry of Finance 

d) Minister External Affairs 

20) Nanyatha software is associated with

a) Electronic clearance of letter boxes 

b) Electronic clearance of e-MOs 

c) Electronic clearance of mails 

d) Electronic clearance of Speed Posts

21) Which among the following it not a Jan Suraksha Scheme? 

a) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY). 

b) Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyothi Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) 

c) National Pension Scheme (NPS) 

d) Atal Pension Yojana (APY)

22) Convertible Whole Life Assurance Policy under Postal We Insurance is also known as 

a) Suraksha 

b) Suvidha 

c) Santhosh 

d) Sumangal 

23) In Bima Gram Yojana, a minimum of ___ households in each of the identified villages are brought under the coverage of at least one RPLI Policy.

a) 100 numbers 

b) 200 numbers 

c) 50 numbers

d) 150 numbers 

24) National Postal week is celebrated across the country from

a) 1st October to 8th October

b) 9th October to 15th October.

c) 16th October to 22nd October

d) 23rd October to 29th October

25) Article bearing the frank of a date immediately preceding the date of presentation of the article will be accepted, provided 

a) The consignment is accompanied by the window Ticket for the identification 

of the licensee's representative 

b) The licence die from the machine is removed. 

c) They bear also the impression of the licence die of the date of presentation, 

d) The daily docket register possessed by the licensee is submitted.

26) Which among the following is incorrect about franking machines? 

a) Impressions of  frank consists of "value die" and "License die". 

b) Machine franked articles posted in letter boxes shall be treated as paid articles. 

c) Machine franked articles can be posted at not more than two office specified by the SPO's in the license. 

d) An advertisement device may also appear alongside the date stamp impression provided it relates solely to the business or profession of the licensee.


27) A Postal Life Insurance Policy can be surrendered for an immediate payment in cash, provided the policy is of not less than ___ years duration and is in force on the date of application.

a) 3

b) 5

c) 4

d) 6

28) The full form of ECMS is

a) Electronic Counter Machine System 

b) Electric Controlled Mechanical Solution 

c) Enterprise Content Management System 

d) Enterprise Core Memory System

29) The full form of DCT is 

a) Detailed Cash Transactions 

b) Direct Customer Transfer 

c) Detailed Cash Transfer 

d) Direct cash Transfer 

30) The headquarters of Asia Pacific Postal Union is located at 

a) Berne, Switzerland. 

b) Bangkok, Thailand. 

c) Manila, Philippines. 

d) The Hague, Netherlands. 

31) Which among the following conditions are correct with respect to withdrawal from post and alteration of address of a foreign article? 

i. The sender should submit a written application accompanied by a prescribed fee in the form of postage stamps. 

ii. The sender should submit a sealed cover containing a statement of reasons for withdrawing the article or altering the address. 

iii. The sender can submit the application in any sub or head post office. 

iv. If the article was a registered article the sender should submit receipt of booking of registered article along with the application

a) i,ii & iv

b) ii,iii & iv

c) i,ii & iii

d) All the above

32) lf the addressee of any ordinary or VP inward foreign packet of printed papers or an ordinary or V.P inward foreign parcel fails to take delivery of it within 7 days following the date of its first presentation and if the article weighs more than 500 grams, a charge at the rate per day as prescribed commencing from the 8th day is to be collected from the addressee at the time of delivery. This charge is called 

a) Demurrage charge 

b) Ware housing charge 

c) Poste Restante charge 

d) Air mail charge 

33) Value — Payable inward foreign articles addressed to Paste-Restante are retained in the office to which they are addressed for a period of 

a) Seven days. 

b) Two Weeks 

c) One month. 

d) Ten days. 

34) In the. Bulk Bag System available for dispatch/receipt of special bags of printed papers to/from addressees/senders in foreign countries weight of each bag should not be less than __ kilogram and not more than ___ kilogram 

a) 5, 25 

b) 10, 40

c) 15, 25 

d) 5,30 

35) The general maximum limit of weight for a foreign parcel is 

a) 10 Kilogram 

b) 15 Kilogram 

c) 20 Kilogram, 

d) No limit 

36) Inward foreign parcels addressed Poste-Restante are detained in the office of delivery for a period not exceeding___

a) Seven days. 

b) One month 

c) Ten days 

d) Two weeks

37) Fee for redirection of an inland Money Order is

a) Double of MO commission 

b) Equal to the MO commission 

c) Half of MO commission 

d) Free of cost 

38) If the remitter of a money order presents an application requesting postmaster of office of issue to change the name of the payee, the fee to be collected is 

a) Second commission equal to first. 

b) Double of MO commission 

c) Half of MO commission 

d) Free of cost 

39) Minimum amount required for opening of Sukanya Samriddhi Account is 

a) Rs 100 

b) Rs 500 

c) Rs 1000 

d) Rs 1500 

40) Letter post articles containing dutiable goods addressed to foreign destination should be accompanied by 

a) Cash on Delivery Form 

b) Customer ID proof 

c) Customs Declaration Form 

d) Customs Duty Form

41) Which among the following cannot be transmitted at Printed Papers rate in foreign Post 

a) Impression obtained by means of computer printers 

b) Musical scores in manuscript 

c) Photocopies 

d) Papers obtained by means of typewriter of any type 

42) The maximum weight of "Small Packets" service in foreign Post is 

a) 1 Kilogram 

b) 2 Kilogram

c) 5 Kilogram 

d) 7 Kilogram

43)Beat instruction Register is to be maintained by ____________ department in Post Office.

a) Mails

b) Delivery

c) Parcel

d) Treasury

44) The annual fee for issue of a permit to use business reply cards and envelopes is 

a) Rs 100 

b) Rs 200 

c) Rs 250 

d) Rs 500 

45) Which among the following is NOT CORRECT about Postmasters order book maintained in Head Post offices? 

a) It contains temporary arrangements made in cases of absence of clerks, postmen etc. 

b) It contains unusual occurrences. 

c) It contains daily statistics of ordinary, registered & VP articles posted in the office. 

d) Orders passed by the head postmaster for the regulation of his office and which it is should be placed on record.

46) The minimum and maximum cash balance and the maximum balance to be held in postage and other stamps will be fixed for each sub office by the 

a) Head of the Division. 

b) Head of the Circle 

c) Asst Supdt of Posts. 

d) Inspector of Posts. 

47) The term STR in CBS means 

a) Sub account Transit Report 

b) Sub office Transfer Register 

c) Sub office Transaction Report 

d) Suspicious Transaction Report


48) The IT Modernization Project of Department of Posts was approved by the Government of India in 

a) October, 2012 

b) November, 2012 

c) December, 2012 

d) September, 2012 

49) Which stream of the IT Modernization Project aimed to prepare all the employees of the Department including Gramin Dak Sevaks to enable them to function effectively in an IT environment? 

a) Change Management Stream. 

b) Core Systems Integrator Stream. 

c) Mail Operations Hardware Stream. 

d) Network Integrator Stream.


50) Full form of AEPS is 

a) Aadhar Equipped Payment System 

b) Aadhar Enabled Payment System 

c) Aadhar Enterprise Processing System

d) Aadhar Entry Payment System


1 B.   11 B.   21 B    31 A    41 A 

2 A.   12 D.   22 A   32 C.   42 A

3 B.   13 B    23 C    33 A.   43 B

4 b.   14 A.   24 A.   34 C    44 A 

5 C.   15 B.   25 C     35 D.   45 B

6 D    16 D.   26 A   36 D.   46 A 

7 A.   17 B    27 B    37 C.   47 B 

8 D    18 A    28 A    38 D.  48 C 

9 d    19 B    29 B     39 A.  49 A

10 C  20 A    30 a    40 A.    50 C

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