Ongoing Strike by GDS is temporarily deferred [Dtd 15.12.2023 ]

ALL INDIA GRAMIN DAK SEVAKS UNION (AIGDSU)(CHQ), First Floor, Post Office Building, Padam Nagar, Delhi 110007, Tele/Fax: 23697701

NATIONAL UNION OF GRAMIN DAK SEVAKS (NUGDS) T-24 Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110001 Ph: - 011-23321371


GDS/PJCA/ 3A/2023 

Date 15-12-2023


All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries

Sub: Ongoing Strike by GDS.

Dear Colleagues,

Congratulations for the magnificent strike for four days that started from 12/12/23.We have been very successfully able to register our dissatisfaction and resentment over non fulfillment of our demands. We do not want to make it a warlike situation as is prevailing at the moment. In view of the entirety of things, we hereby temporarily defer the strike and advise all our members to resume duties on and from 16th Dec 2023 as usual. We sincerely hope that the disciplinary action initiated by the Department will be withheld.

With warm greetings,

 Yours faithfully, 

 (S.S. Mahadevaiah)

 General Secretary, NUGDS

(P.U. Murleedharan)

 General Secretary, AIGDSU.

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The Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 for information and necessary action.

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