Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs)

Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) -reg

No. SC-12/9/2022 SCT-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts 

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 

Date: 09-01-2024


1. All Chief Postmasters General, 2. Director (RAKNPA, Ghaziabad), 3. CGM, PLI Directorate, 4. All Directors, Postal Training Centres 

Subject: Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) -reg. 

Madam/ Sir, 

I am directed to forward herewith a copy of Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/1/2020-Estt (Res-ll) dated 28.12.2023 on the subject cited above for information and urgent action. 

2 With the issue of DoPT OM dated 28.12.2023 referred to above, this Directorate’ letter of even number dated 14.09.2022 issued consequent upon DoPT OM dated 17.05.2022 stands superseded. 

3. Circles are requested 1o bring this order to the notice of their Liaison Officers for PwDs so that quick implementation of these instructions is ensured. 

Yours faithfully 

prabha Shama 

Date: 09-01-2024 12:54:36 

Reason: Approved 

(Prabha Sharmat) 

Assistant Director General (PE- & SCT) 

Encl: As above. 

Copy to: 

i. PSO/ Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts) ii. Sr. PPS to Member (Personnel) iii. Dy. Director General (Personnel), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi. It is requested to issue necessary guidelines, if required to all the Circles with respect to Para 5 of the DoPT OM dated 28.12.2023 specially in connection with conducting of review DPCs/ LDCE. iv. Dy. Director General (VP & DE), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi v. Chief Engineer (Civil), Postal Directorate vi. Director (Staff)/ Director (SPN)/ Director (DE), Dak Bhawan vii. ADG (Admin), Postal Directorate. It is requested to upload it on e-office portal/ dashboard. 

vii. GM (CEPT), Mysore with a request to upload it on India Post website under Employee Corner - "Circulars, Rules and Latest Orders” 

No. 36012/1/2020-Estt (Res-II) 

Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances  & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training 

North Block, New Delhi, 

Dated the 28th December, 2023. 


Subject: Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) regarding. 

The undersigned is directed to say that the Hon'ble Supreme Court, vide its Judgement dated 30.6.2016, in the WP(C) No.521/2008, titled 'Rajeev Kumar Gupta Vs. UOI had directed the Government to extend three percent reservation to PWD in all identified posts in ‘Group A and Group B, irrespective of the mode of filling up of such posts. However, subsequently the Hon'ble Supreme Court, vide its Order dated 3.2.2017, in the Civil Appeal No. 1567/2017 titled ‘Siddaraju Vs, State of Karnataka & Ors.' referred to the prohibition made against reservation in promotion as laid down by the majority in Indra Sawhney & Others v. Union of India & Others (1992) and observed and held that its Judgement dated 30.6.2016 in Rajeev Kumar Gupta needed to be considered by a larger Bench. However, the Hon'ble Supreme Court finally disposed of the Siddaraju matter vide its Judgement dated 14.1.2020 and held that its Judgement in Rajeev Kumar Guptawould bind the Union and State Governments and it must be strictly followed. 

2. However, the Union of India needed some clarification with regard to the implementation of the Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgement dated 30.6.2016 and 14.1.2020, and, therefore, Application for Clarification was filed by the UOI before the Hon'ble Supreme Court seeking clarification which inter alia included whether the vacancies for promotion for PwDs would be computed only on the basis of the vacancies against the identified posts or against the vacancies in both identified and non-identified posts and whether the judgement dated 14.1.2020 needs to be implemented on the basis of PwD Act, 1995 or RPWD Act, 2016. Hon'ble Supreme Court disposed of this Application for Clarification vide its Order dated 28.9.2021 directing the Government of India to issue instructions regarding reservation in promotion as provided in Section 34 of the RPWD Act, 2016. 

3. Proviso to Section 34 of the RPWD Act, 2016 provides that the reservation in promotion shall be in accordance with such instructions as are issued by the appropriate Government from time to time. Accordingly, DoPT vide its OM of even number dated 17.5.2022 issued detailed instructions for extending the benefit of reservation in promotion to PwDs Up to the lowest rung of Group A’ in posts and services under the post may affect the inter-se-seniority of the officials in various grades. Due to this, there may be cases in which some officials may have to be placed in a select list/seniority list, subsequent to the year of their existing/present seniority list/select list. This may have a chain effect as it may result in revision in seniority lists in subsequent years in many cases which may cause administrative Inconvenience. In order to avoid such situation, supernumerary posts may be created to adjust the lien of such PwD employees with effect from the date on or after 30.6.2016, when they become eligible to get the benefit of reservation in promotion, ill the availability of vacancy in which the promotion is to be made or till they vacate the post on their retirement, further promotion etc. whichever is earlier. 

(iv) The creation of supernumerary post, as stated above, will be personal to the PwD employee who is given the benefit of reservation in promotion on notional basis and such supernumerary post will stand abolished on the date when such PwD employee is adjusted against available vacancy in the grade in which the promotion is given or when that PwD employee vacates the post on his/her retirement, further promotion etc., whichever is earlier. 

(v) Ministries/Departments are advised to undertake an exercise to ascertain the requirement of supernumerary posts required by them and submit the proposal for creation of posts to the Department of Expenditure through DoPT. Such proposal shall contain the proposal in respect of the entire Department/Ministry and the proposal in plecemeal shall not be accepted. A certificate to the effect that the proposal is complete in all respects and the requirement of creation of supernumerary posts has been projected in respect of the entire Department may also be furnished along with the proposal. Further, each proposal shall have the concurrence of the Liaison Officer for PwDs of the Department/Ministry concerned and shall be forwarded with the approval of the Secretary of the Administrative Department/Ministry. 

(vi) Itis clarified that the benefit of notional promotion, as proposed above, shall not adversely affect those PwD candidates who have already been granted the benefit of reservation in promotion in personam in pursuance of the Orders/judgements of various Courts of Law.
6. This issues with the approval of Department of Expenditure conveyed vide their ID Note No.7(1)/E. Coord.1/2017 Part (V) dated 12.12.2023. 

(Debabrata Das) 
Under Secretary to the Government of India.

(i) The Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India. 

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