Inviting options form Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers of Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group 'A' for their postings on rotational transfer

Inviting options form Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers of Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group 'A' for their postings on rotational transfer

 No. 1-2/2024-SPG

Government of India,Ministry of Communications,Department of Posts,Personnel Division

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg

New Delhi-110 001

Dated: 04.01.2024


1. All CPMGs

2. Director, RAKNPA

3. CGM BD&M, Parcel & PLI Directorate

4. AII SAG officers working in the Postal Directorate

Subject: Inviting options form Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers of Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group 'A' for their postings on rotational transfer



Kindly refer to OM No. 4-9/2011-SPG dated 04.04.2011,29.03.2012 and 16.01.2017 regarding Transfer Policy for the officers of Indian Postal Service, Group 'A' alongwith Vigilance Division's note No. 4-7/2009-Vig. dated 08.03.2018 wherein sensitive and non sensitive posts in Department of Posts have been identified alongwith tenure.

2. In view of the above, SAG rank officers mentioned in Annexure'I will be due forrotational transfer during the year 2024 and therefore may be advised to intimate their choice of posting in the prescribed format enclosed at Annexure'Il. Three different stations should be mentioned. No specific post should be indicated in the option.

3. Other officers who want to change the place of posting on personal grounds and have not completed tenure can also submit their request in the format enclosed as Annexure- II with the declaration that they will forgo TA/TP in case their request is considered. The requests received during the year 2023 after previous rotational transfers will also be submitted to TPC for consideration.

4. The requests may also be sent on email at and ddgp@) in latest by 20.01.2024.This issues with approval of the Competent Authority

Yours faithfully,


Encl: as above

Copy to:

1. GM (CEPT)-With a request to upload the letter on India Post website for information of all officers of Indian Postal Service, Group 'A'.

2. Concerned officers for information and necessary action.

Inviting options form Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers of Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group 'A' for their postings on rotational transfer

Inviting options form Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers of Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group 'A' for their postings on rotational transfer

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